Water, water everywhere.

Water is so important! We are approximately 70% water. Water helps us move resources in our body, keeps our blood volume so nutrients can get to the cells where the nutrients are needed and water removes wastes where it is not needed. If we are toxic, we have not been hydrated appropriately and the toxins will have to be stored until the body can deal with it. If we SIP the water, it works to hydrate the cells better instead of the kidney becoming waterlogged and then dumping it.
To figure out how you much you may need, weight plays in, take your weight and divide it by two, then take that number and divide it by 8 to get your approximate ounces to sip slowly at a time. For example, a 150 pound person would take about 75 ounces divided by 8, which is 9 and a half ounces 8 times a day. The general recommendation is to never go over 100 ounces a day for anyone.
Try to SIP throughout the day slowly to avoid urinating frequently. Here is a chart to use to keep track of your hydration.
If you are on any drops, you can put them in your water as part of your general hydration. Thirty days to a lifelong habit. Once you have the habit, it will feel terrible to be dehydrated.